Monday, 27 September 2010

Roasted Black Sea Man tomato soup.

I thought it would be fun to see how the the dark fruit of Black Sea Man with its deep rich flavor worked as a soup and soup always makes you feel better doesn't it? I decided if i was going for real deep intensity i would roast the tomatoes first. I worked really well I've never tasted a tomato soup with such a big tomato tang before.

Ingredients are simple, its all about the tomatoes didn't want to muddle it with too many other things.
1 kg of black sea man tomatoes quartered (an black tomato will do i think)
1 onion sliced,
1 sprig of thyme,
4 cloves of garlic chopped,
2 pints of vegetable stock,
4 sun dried tomatoes,
1 tbsp sugar,
10 basil leafs,

Heat a little oil in a roasting tray in the oven until its very hot.
Put the tomato's, onions garlic and thyme into the roasting pan and make sure its all coated with oil.
Sprinkle over your sugar. 
Put back into the over on a high and cook for 1/2 hour until all the vegetables are roasted.
Occasionally check, turn and pour off excess liquid onto a bowl.
While thats cooling heat your stock in a pan and simmer.
Add excess roasting juices as and when you collect them.
Once the tomatoes begin to caramelize remove from the oven and pour it all into your stock.
Add the sun dried tomatoes and cook until the tomatoes have broken down and are soft.
Add the basil leafs, you don't need to over cook them.
Once cooked its now time to do my usual method of blending it all together.
Strain the liquid into a bowl and add the solids to your blender.
Blend, slowly adding back in your liquid until the soup has thickened.
Pass the soup through a sieve to remove seeds and bits of skin.
You should have a nice smooth soup now, that you can put back on the heat to simmer until ready to eat or bag up and freeze for winter.

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